Art and arts education centers: property tax exemption created -
Computers and computer-related equipment: property tax exemption for businesses revised -
Disabled veteran on at least 60% disability compensation from U.S. DVA or unmarried surviving spouse: property tax exemption for real property owned by -
Disabled veteran on 100% disability compensation from U.S. DVA: property tax exemption for real property owned by
Fish population stabilization or improvement on property owned by or held in trust for a nonprofit organization: property tax exemption -
Goodwill Industries: income and franchise tax credits created for property taxes paid on property owned by [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, income and franchise tax credit provisions removed; S.Amdt.1: size of property exempt per municipality limited] -
Goodwill Industries: property tax exemption created -
Homeowner's property tax credit created; school property tax credit revised re rent paid on principal dwelling
Homeowner's property tax credit created; school property tax credit revised re rent paid on principal dwelling
Homeowner's tax credit created; school levy property tax credit and lottery and gaming property tax credit eliminated
Illegal aliens: companies that hire are ineligible for income and franchise tax credits, property tax exemption, public works or services contracts, and loans or grants from local governments -
Net job loss by companies: report to Comm.Dept required; ineligibility certain tax credits or exemptions, public works or purchasing contracts, and state or local government grants or loans -
Net job loss by companies: report to Comm.Dept required; ineligibility of company and expatriate companies for certain tax credits or exemptions, public works or purchasing contracts, and state or local government grants or loans; declaration of eligibility prior to entering a contract with agency or local governmental unit required -
Property tax exemption for certain properties modified and the exemption for properties owned by benevolent associations specified; tax-exempt leased property provisions
Property tax exemption for certain properties modified and the exemption for properties owned by benevolent associations specified; tax-exempt leased property provisions
Property tax exemption for certain properties modified and the exemption for properties owned by benevolent associations specified; tax-exempt leased property provisions; assessor determination of property value provision
Property taxes on principal dwellings of state residents: tax exemption created. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -
Real property owned by federally recognized American Indian tribe or band in this state: property tax exemption created -
Recreational mobile home: individual income tax credit created for personal property taxes paid re additions that exceed the 400 square feet exemption [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, income tax credit provisions deleted, definition revised, exemption from personal property tax and certain parking fee] -
Recreational mobile home personal property tax exemption revised -
Recreational mobile home personal property tax exemption revised -
Restaurant kitchen machinery and equipment: property tax exemption created -
Restaurant kitchen machinery and equipment: property tax exemption created -
Tribal property used for governmental purposes: property tax exemption created -
Tribal property used for governmental purposes: property tax exemption created -
Veterans and surviving spouses: property tax credit [A.Sub. Amdt.1: Sec. 451s, 769q, 1311j, 1312m, u, 9341 (10m); A.Amdt.40: further revision, deletes 769q]
Veterans and surviving spouses: property tax credit expanded re joint ownership or marital property
Veterans and surviving spouses: property tax credit expanded re joint ownership or marital property; separate income tax return provision -
Life and public service of the former Wisconsin Representative and U.S. Senator commended -
Mental responsibility of a defendant in a criminal action: deadline for examining physician or psychologist to report to opposing counsel or examiner specified -
Mental responsibility of a defendant in a criminal action: deadline for examining physician or psychologist to report to opposing counsel or examiner specified -
State agent of DHFS status granted to health care providers who volunteer their services to a health care facility during a state of emergency re public health; restrictions specified; WC provision [S.Amdt.1: health care provider expanded to include behavioral health provider, pupil services provider, and substance abuse prevention provider] -
Child Care Development Funds and TANF allocation revisions; provision re DLTCL mail-order lending library and information center; program and grants eliminated re certain training for parents and child care providers [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Day care"]
Domestic abuse services funding: TANF replaced with GPR; DHFS grants to specific organizations; Refugee Family Strengthening Project funding (which includes bilingual staff, especially Hmong) [Sec. 309, 898, 899, 903, 904, 918-922, 1102, 1103] -
Emergency assistance to needy persons: frequency revised [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1059b, d] -
English for Southeast Asian children: funding re aid to Wausau School District shifted from DWD to DPI; Head Start supplement from TANF funds eliminated [Sec. 179, 188, 1107, 1108, 1859] -
Father's obligation to contribute to pregnancy and birth expenses re paternity judgment revised [S.Amdt.1: public assistance and income at poverty level provisions added]
Funeral, cemetery, and burial expense reimbursement to counties: DHFS mandate eliminated [Sec. 1191; A.Sub.Amdt.1: reimbursement authorized if certain conditions are met, 1191c, 9321 (9e), 9421 (12e)] -
Homeless individuals with CMI: program transferred from DHFS to Comm.Dept [Sec. 323, 331, 905-908, 9121 (5), 9421 (6)] -
Immigration status re individual seeking or receiving public assistance: prohibiting enactment or enforcement of an ordinance that would prohibit an employee of a political subdivision from inquiring about -
Managed care expansion: DHFS report to JCF; SSI provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9121 (13w)] -
Marriage and Family Therapy, Professional Counseling, and Social Work Examining Board: certain ``certificates" references changed to ``licenses"; training certificate requirements modified -
Marriage and Family Therapy, Professional Counseling, and Social Work Examining Board: certain ``certificates" references changed to ``licenses"; training certificate requirements modified -
Public assistance overpayment revisions [Sec. 1110-1113, 9354 (2)] -
Public assistance programs: eligibility limited to U.S. citizens and aliens admitted for permanent residence; documentary proof required with application, forfeiture provision
SSI benefits funding [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 331f, 1188d] -
SSI program administration revisions [Sec. 315, 340, 345, 937, 939, 953, 1027, 1114-1117, 1120, 1154, 1188, 1189, 1192, 1195-1197, 1200-1202, 1435, 1436, 2484]
State agent of DHFS status granted to health care providers who volunteer their services to a health care facility during a state of emergency re public health; restrictions specified; WC provision [S.Amdt.1: health care provider expanded to include behavioral health provider, pupil services provider, and substance abuse prevention provider] -
TANF transfer to CANPB eliminated; replaced with GPR for child abuse and neglect prevention programs, early childhood education centers, and right from the start projects [Sec. 297, 1045-1047, 1109] -
Threat to cause bodily harm to social service worker, juvenile intake worker, child support worker, school employee, or their family members: misdemeanor crime created
Approval revocation or limits by political subdivisions or state agencies modified re zoning ordinances, water quality certification, construction site storm water discharge permit, activities related to navigable waters, construction or erosion control plan or variance, and controlled-access highway connection or crossing -
Building Commission revisions re submittal deadline for the long-range state building program, waiver of certain DOA bid requirements re innovative design and construction processes, annual operating costs submitted with certain recommendations, entering into certain leases or building contracts, voting on projects, and creation of subcommittees; DOA division responsible for management, supervision, and leasing of state facilities may not be headed by someone in the unclassified state service -
Public buildings and places of employment: city, village, or town may not enact an ordinance establishing minimum standards for construction, repair, or maintenance unless it conforms to Comm.Dept rules -
Sale of state property: DOA to review, inventory, and report to Building Commission; certain exceptions provided; U.W. provision re use of net proceeds for operation of U.W. System; sunset provided [Sec. 2, 17, 18, 19, 85, 202, 203, 206, 492, 536, 779, 780, 827, 831-838, 840, 842, 1723, 2204-2208, 2225, 2422, 9101 (4), 9152 (5); A.Amdt.40 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 745b, 795h, deletes 779, 780]
Service animal accompanying person with a disability or animal trainer: laws re access to public accommodations modified -
Smoking in designated areas prohibited in places of employment with exceptions for private residences, designated smoking rooms in lodging establishments, and certain retirement homes; exceptions for taverns, bowling centers, restaurants, private halls, and certain facilities eliminated
Smoking prohibition in restaurants and taverns expanded; designated smoking areas eliminated -
Smoking prohibitions: designated areas limited; ``place of employment" definition expanded; restaurants, bowling centers, and restaurants holding an intoxicating liquor or beer license provisions revised; prohibition on smoking in immediate vicinity of the state capitol revised
Smoking prohibitions: designated areas limited; ``place of employment" definition expanded; restaurants, bowling centers, and restaurants holding an intoxicating liquor or beer license provisions revised; prohibition on smoking in immediate vicinity of the state capitol revised
State building projects: laws governing revised re threshold for approval by Building Commission, threshold re bids on contracts that must be publicly solicited, threshold for which the Governor may authorize repairs or construction in emergency situations and the definition of emergency, and Governor may delegate certain approval authority to DOA Secretary; allocation of assets and liabilities and disposing of property upon dissolution of a village changed -
State building projects: laws governing revised re threshold for approval by Building Commission, threshold re bids on contracts that must be publicly solicited, threshold for which the Governor may authorize repairs or construction in emergency situations and the definition of emergency, and Governor may delegate certain approval authority to DOA Secretary; allocation of assets and liabilities and disposing of property upon dissolution of a village changed -
State-owned buildings, facilities, or structures: state agencies to report annually re total cost of occupancy; DOA consolidated report to Building Commission required [Sec. 87, 9355 (2); A.Sub.Amdt.1: 87 renumbered 85m] -
Indigency determination criteria for purposes of SPD representation changed; SPD required to provide legal representation in involuntary commitment proceedings upon request, reimbursement provisions; Public Defender Board FTE positions increased -
Indigency determination re criminal cases: time limit for SPD to make a determination and appoint counsel set; reimbursement rate to private attorneys increased; circuit court judge provision -
Proceeds from services, conferences, and sales of publications and promotional materials [Sec. 437]
Protective service system laws revised; provisions re admissions, transfers, definitions, nursing homes, attorney fees, hearings, procedural rights, guardian ad litem, evaluations, power of attorney, emergency protective placement, psychotropic medication, modification and termination of protective placements, SPD, and annual reviews and reports; court, county, and DHFS duties specified -
SPD: payment by indigent clients for legal representation modified -
Special orders of business for December 13, 2005 established re partial veto of AB-100 [Item C-1] and AB-20, AB-120, AB-122, AB-397, AB-521, AB-624, AB-700, AB-763, AB-802, AB-823, AB-829, AB-840, AB-844, SB-175, SB-331, SB-402, SB-403 -
TPR revisions re declarations of paternal interest, grounds, procedures, and appeals; adoption, foster parent, and CHIPS revisions; DHFS, SPD, and Bureau of Milwaukee Child Welfare duties and authority specified [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, Bureau of Milwaukee Child Welfare reference removed] -
Legal notices: qualifications of newspapers permitted to publish revised; municipality allowed to mail a notice to affected persons or post a notice on the Internet, ordinance provision -
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